Issue Position: Healthcare

Issue Position

By: Joe Ruiz
By: Joe Ruiz
Date: Jan. 1, 2012

Government run healthcare is a direct attack on the very Americans that it promises to help. Under the guise of compassion our President's plan will further compromise our economy, as well as the quality of care received by all.

I believe that I understand compassion better than those in Washington. For the last six years I have lived it serving the at-risk youth in my community as well as their families. I have done this in hopes of changing hearts and minds, and also for the prospect of a better tomorrow. I now understand that "at-risk" is no longer a term that can be limited to one group of people. Because of our government's insistence on irresponsible spending, we're all "at-risk."

Indiana needs an advocate who understands that competition and private innovation in our healthcare system is the most compassionate solution for all, and when I am elected, I will stand up for this cause.
